Non Potable Water Management
Availability of water is an ever-increasing significant topic. Water efficiency and general water re-use, utilising rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling is looked at for every modern building or development. Often the opportunities are not fully exploited and only standard technologies and basic building designs are considered.
Aquality is at the forefront of non-potable water management and is currently the UK’s leading company in this field.
The approach can be very effective not only in regard to environmental aspects such as water savings and energy reduction but also considers commercial benefits. On one of our most recent jobs Aquality saved a client millions in construction costs by using a combined system approach with different state of the art water reuse technologies.
The CPD should interest not only consulting engineers but also architects, contractors and developers or construction clients. The CPD can be tailored to accommodate different engineering disciplines as it is a subject which overlaps various sectors from mechanical, public health, civil and fire engineering etc.
We also offer “live” CPDs which takes place at an installed greywater recycling or rainwater harvesting system to not only go through the system in theory but see a system in operation.
Integrated Water Management
Designing water networks for exceedance and water stress are usually diametrically opposed to one another, the seminar endeavours to explain the complexity of the design process and offers technological advancements to existing SuDS design practice that allows engineers to meet exceedance and stress in the same solution.
The seminar will set the regulatory scene, explain current short falls, and offer commercially viable solutions on a site and catchment scale basis, by using IoT Continuous Monitoring Adaptive Control (CMAC) technology and rainwater harvesting and surface water re-use systems.
The seminar will be of interest to consulting engineers and contractors specialising in civil, drainage, highways and environmental disciplines. The seminar will normally be delivered by Neill Robinson-Welsh, Business Development Director for Aquality, Neill has over 25 years business experience in building and civils drainage working for some of the leading names in construction building materials supply, and is a regular contributor to industry guidance including C753 The SuDS Manual.
Blue Roofs
This presentation will explain the role of Blue Roofs in the creation of sustainable urban environments and cover key design considerations. Tailored specifically for building engineers, civil engineers and architects, this session will define the different types of blue roofs and their benefits, give highlights and explain key drainage design considerations.
The seminar will be of interest to building service engineers , consulting engineers, architects and planners specialising in the urban built environment. The seminar will normally be delivered by Neill Robinson-Welsh our blue roofing specialist, Neill has over 30 years business experience in building and civils drainage working for some of the leading names in construction building materials supply, and is a regular contributor to industry guidance including C753 The SuDS Manual and the forth coming CIRIA project on Guidance on the delivery of Blue Roofs.
The CPD should interest not only consulting engineers but also architects, contractors and developers or construction clients.